Ayurvedic Medicine For Sleeplessness


Ayurvedic Medicines for SleeplessnessSleeplessness (insomnia) is simply a condition where an individual has difficulty sleeping at night. Lack of sleep affects the daily chores of our lifestyle.

In its most severe form, some people have to take sleeping pills to sleep at night which can ruin the day when patients feel drowsy all day.

Side effects such as memory loss, concentration, and health degradation are some symptoms seen in cases of sleeplessness so it is advisable that sleeplessness must be treated as soon as possible.

There are many natural herbal remedies that are non-addictive and safe that can be used as alternatives to prescription drugs.

Ayurvedic View On Sleeplessness

In Ayurveda sleep is described as Nidra is one of the main three pillars of healthy living such as

  1. Ahara (Balanced Diet)
  2. Nidra (Proper sleep)
  3. Brahmacharya (breaking and satisfactory sexual activity).

Due to the imbalance of Vata, Pitta, and Kapha doshas, Sleep problems arise.

  1. In the vata type of sleep problem, a person takes too long to fall asleep.
  2. In the pitta type the symptoms such as waking up frequently during the night.
  3. In kapha people tend to fall oversleep and complain of dullness and low energy found in the morning.

Ayurveda Explains That There Are Six Types Of Sleep

  • Natural Sleep
  • Sleeping sickness
  • Sleep due to an imbalance of mental faculties
  • Sleep due to imbalance in the physical body
  • Sleep due to the aggravation of kapha dosha
  • Sleep due to imbalance in tamas state

Among all these, natural sleep is considered paramount, which usually arises from exhaustion in physical and mental Arena.

Sleeplessness Causes

Some of the common factors that cause sleeplessness or insomnia are anger, constipation, tension, smoking a cigarette, overeating excessive consumption of tea and coffee, anxiety, bitterness, Stress, etc.

Herbs For Sleeplessness (Insomnia)

1. Valerian Root

Valerian is traditionally used as Ayurvedic medicine for a cure of Sleeplessness (Insomnia) in India as well as china. Valerian is a well-known herb for its ability to induce sleep it is in great demand worldwide for the same. It is approved for the treatment of certain sleep disorders in Germany. It is one of the most used herbs around the world and maintains the eighth rank in the list of most purchased herbs. Valerian does not cause drowsiness upon waking and does not lead to chemical dependency.

2. Chamomile

Chamomile is a very popular herb throughout the world it has been included as a medicinal substance/remedy in the pharmacopeia of more than 26 countries. The dried chamomile flowers have been used as for centuries as relaxing substances in ancient Greece, Egypt, and Rome.

3. Withania somniferous and Asparagus racemosus

These herbs increase stamina and strength of the body according to its requirement helping to keep calm and concentrated to sleep better at night.

4. California poppy

It is a sedative herb promoting sleep, helping to relax and relieve mild anxiety. Because of its analgesic and mild sedative properties, it is very safe.

5. Lavender

It acts as a mild strengthening of the nervous system tonic. A few drops of lavender oil when added to bath water before bed helps alleviate sleep disorders. It is also can be used as a massage oil or one can simply inhale it to alleviate

Sleeplessness (Insomnia) Home Remedies

A good night’s sleep is not easy for everyone. Besides these herbs, Ayurveda offers many natural remedies that can be helpful for Sleeplessness (Insomnia) which can be cured by the Ayurvedic way of living.

  1. Try to relax for a couple of hours before going to bed. Avoid looking at the screen of your Smartphone, computer, TV, or loud music, which are too stimulating for the mind before bedtime.
  2. Proper digestion is necessary for peaceful sleep. One must finish your dinner 3 hours before bedtime so that the digestion process does not interrupt your sleep.
  3. Create a bedtime routine; either a bath, meditation or their own form of quiet time. This will put your body in the way of thinking of sleep.
  4. Take a hot bath with a few drops of lavender oil to calm your evening sleep.
  5. Keep a habit of drinking a glass of warm milk with, almond, or a pinch of nutmeg, it can induce sleep.
  6. Avoid sleeping on your stomach, which can clog the deep, healthy breathing. Instead, sleep on your right side to encourage the left nostril breathing. This way it activates the cooling of the body and relaxing the energy of the moon.
  7. Sleep with your head facing east and feet to the west, which promotes sleep. The second direction is better to sleep with your head towards the south, which improves health. Does not sleep with the head facing north this may disrupt sleep and health.
  8. Establish a regular sleep cycle of going to bed and getting up at the same time every day.
  9. Avoid drinking coffee, tea with caffeine, and ginseng in the evening, as some people are very sensitive to caffeine, which may interrupt, calm sleep.
  10.  Avoid exercising late at night, as it can be stimulating rather than relaxing. Doing yoga practice such as pranayama is best.

Remember, insomnia is curable and health can be restored thereafter diseases. If you are also facing difficulty sleeping at night or are suffering from insomnia do not worry you can easily get rid of insomnia with several home remedies and herbs. Consult your doctor for the perfect dose for the best result.

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