Health Benefits Of Eating Clove


Clove is an aromatic spice used in cuisines around the world. It is the dried bud of an evergreen tree also called cengkeh, which is native to Indonesia. Its scientific name is Syzygium aromaticum which comes from the Greek word syzygos – “united” and from the Latin aromaticum which means “aromatic”.

Its common name – nail – derives from its resemblance in shape to small, rusty wooden or metal nails. Traces of clove use have been found in Syria dating back to 1721 BC.

Collage of photos of the spice cloves, leaves, and trees Its commercialization in the Middle Ages was mainly thanks to the Arabs and later to the Portuguese, who expanded its distribution in Europe, ranking it as one of the most valued spices. Its value became such that one kilogram of cloves was the equivalent of 7 grams of gold.

The spice is composed of the flower buds of the cengkeh tree. The optimal time for harvest is when the buds acquire a bright red color and measure between 1.5 and 2 cm, to later let them dry in the sun, a process that gives them their dark brown color and strong aroma.

What nutrients and benefits does clove provide?

Its particular flavor is recognized as spicy, astringent, and fiery, with a bitter touch. Clove has been used for thousands of years as a remedy for various health problems such as.

  • Clove can help relieve cold and flu symptoms, such as headaches, chills, and fever, as it is a natural antiseptic, antipyretic, and pain reliever.
  • It has also been reported that it can work as a stimulant, having a scent with a toning effect on the body that improves the feeling of fatigue. It has also been reported that, due to its disinfectant properties, it is used to maintain oral health, treat sores, bad breath, and reduce toothache.
  • It is also very useful for the digestive system, as it reduces nausea and reduces the discomfort associated with the production of gases in the digestive process. It also reduces pain caused by colic, being a natural antispasmodic.
  • Clove is a source of vitamins A, C, D, E, K, and minerals, such as calcium, manganese, magnesium, and potassium. It also contains omega-3 fatty acids.
  • It has tannins, mucilages, sitosterol, chromones, stigmasterol, resins, cellulose, and oleanolic acid, among others, natural combinations that give it antibacterial, analgesic, aphrodisiac, analgesic, antispasmodic and stimulant properties.
  • For people with diabetes, cloves can help lower blood sugar levels, thanks to the flavonoids it contains.
  • In addition, it has anti-inflammatory and antibiotic properties, as well as anticoagulant qualities, making it beneficial for people with cardiovascular problems.
  • It also promotes the secretion of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, this improves peristalsis or the mobilization of the food bolus in the digestive system.
Clove is well known and generally used in sweets, especially those made with fruits. Bananas and pumpkin candies, for example, always have a little clove aftertaste.
But it is used around the world to flavor much more than just candy. You can use cloves in preserves, to flavor sauces – pure or stuffed in onion with a bay leaf – or legumes and vegetables, to flavor cheeses, cook with rice or even flavor different meats.
But beyond the flavor that cloves can bring to your dishes, it also has many benefits to your health. In the end, it is not by chance that it has been used medicinally for thousands of years, also the most important herb mentioned in Ayurveda.
1. Clove improves blood circulation: The oil extracted from cloves helps to improve the flow of blood circulation, which brings benefits to the whole organism. In addition, by helping to purify the blood, your skin is more nourished and your immune system is more prepared.
2. Clove is a natural pain reliever and antiseptic: The eugenol is a substance present in the clove that acts as a natural antiseptic and removes acne scars, balancing the health of your skin and preventing the appearance of wrinkles. Clove tea can also alleviate headaches, and menstrual cramps, and lower fever, relieve toothaches and sore throats.
3. Clove helps the digestive system: Clove increases the secretion of gastrointestinal enzymes, improves digestion, and relieves indigestion problems, constipation, nausea, and an upset stomach. In addition, it accelerates the metabolism, which helps in the rapid burning of fat, that is, it is a natural slimmer.
4. Clove is an antioxidant: Clove is an excellent antioxidant that fights free radicals and helps prevent damage to the skin. It has an enormous capacity to release hydrogen and reduce lipid peroxidation, which is simply the breakdown of polyunsaturated fats that harm our bodies.
5. Clove is an oral antiseptic: Clove substances are already used in various toothpaste, as they fight bacteria in the mouth and stomach. Thus, the consumption of cloves can help in the elimination of bad breath, and against cavities and tooth and gum pain.
6. Cloves help the thyroid and control cholesterol: Cloves help those who suffer from hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism and prevent dysfunctions like these. In addition, it helps control bad cholesterol.
7. Clove is an anti-inflammatory: The eugenol in cloves also has anti-inflammatory properties. In this way, consuming cloves can help reduce inflammation symptoms.
Thus, we see that cloves are a powerful spice in flavor and in their health. However, it is important to know that pregnant or lactating women, children under six years of age, and patients with gastrointestinal problems and neurological diseases should avoid its consumption or consult the doctor before consuming it.

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