The Keto Diet: Eat More Fat To Lose Weight

The keto diet, this word is nowadays heard commonly and also has gained popularity in recent years. It has become one of the most nutritional plans favored by people of all ages. It is said that this dietary roadmap more particularly has important health benefits for persons over the age of 50.

What is Keto Diet?

Scientifically the ketogenic diet is a nutritional plan in which the consumption of foods containing carbohydrates is decreased and the consumption of fats food is increased.
The process of these decrease of carbohydrates and increase of fats eventually places the bodies of participating dieters into a biological and metabolic process known as ketosis.

However, there is a diet plan that seems especially effective for losing weight, and is none other than the keto diet. At first glance, it looks like a copy of the Atkins diet, but something more sophisticated.

It is a supplement in order to maintain your muscle mass; it facilitates the fat-burning process and helps to maintain your health during a stressful periods.

What is the keto diet?

This type of diet, as mentioned above, is very similar to the Atkins diet, popularized by the American cardiologist Robert C. Atkins in the early 1970s, and is one of the so-called ketogenic diets.

Its nutritional base is to limit the intake of carbohydrates drastically, consuming only between 5 and 20% of the macronutrients through carbohydrates. On the contrary, the consumption of fats is very high, 75% of the total food that we eat through food.

This causes the restriction of carbohydrates in our body and enters a state of ketosis, by which the liver stops consuming glucose as a form of energy to replace it with that fat.

It makes sense, especially if we are looking for drastic weight loss. It has been used clinically for many years, specifically in the area of ​​epilepsy where it is used to help reduce seizures. There is not enough evidence to show that the keto diet is harmful to the body.

In fact, with its superior weight loss and the associated reduction in inflammation in the body, there are a number of benefits, especially for people with high blood glucose levels, obesity, and significant amounts of weight that need to be shed.

What is eaten in the keto diet?

A keto diet uses high-fat foods such as nuts, avocados, oils, fatty fish, and cheese to replace carbohydrates in the diet. For example, tuna salad with cheese for lunch, smoked salmon for breakfast, avocado for dinner, eggs, meat, etc.

There are no great options in terms of fruit, vegetables, bread, pasta, or rice since you have to reduce carbohydrates to a minimum.

What does science say about it?

According to a review by the Campbell University School of Osteopathic Medicine. find out that in general, both the ketogenic and the non-ketogenic diet have similar effects on weight loss, since the losses obtained do not differ significantly between the two.

Being slightly higher in the ketogenic diets “concludes that” both the ketogenic diet and the non-ketogenic diet are effective in weight loss, although there is no significant difference between the two with respect to this subject.

For this reason, It could attribute a greater influence to the adherence to the food plan, than to the composition of the diet, in the effectiveness of weight loss.

Other experts, state that, on equal terms, ketogenic diets are more effective in weight loss: This is due to the fact that from a physiological point of view, there is an association between plasma levels.

Urinary ketones, in addition to acetone, are characterized by being volatile and therefore partly removed through the breath. This would mean an energetic loss through the urinary and breath elimination of the ketones.

Disadvantages of following a keto diet

The big problem with this type of diet is usually adherence since people find it very difficult to get a diet based almost exclusively on fats, which does not include foods as necessary and healthy fruits or vegetables, or energy as rice, pasta, or potatoes.

That is why the keto diet is not suitable for everyone, especially those who are used to breakfast toast or cereal. According to the review of the Campbell University School of Osteopathic Medicine mentioned above, the use of ketogenic diets has several disadvantages that do not occur in the conventional diet.

The first of these is the contribution of vitamins and minerals offered by ketogenic diets, which is very low and does not meet the requirements of people, which is because the restriction of carbohydrates also greatly limits the intake of fruits and vegetables.

Vegetables are the foods richest in the mentioned micronutrients. This situation will also affect the intake of dietary fiber, which will also be low and can lead to episodes of constipation and other adverse effects such as cramps, halitosis, or asthenia due to the reduction of carbohydrates.

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