What Are The Benefits Of Getting A Massage?


What Are The Benefits Of Getting A MassageYou probably many of you may not know clearly what an  Ayurvedic massage is,  nor do you know the multiple benefits that an  Ayurvedic massage can bring you. But don’t worry, we will tell you!

What is Ayurveda massage and what is it?

Ayurvedic massage is a traditional massage from India. In it, essential oils are used following the guidelines of Ayurveda medicine. Originally, this type of massage had the ultimate goal of balancing the energies that flow between the body and the mind, commonly known as dosha.

We are not all equal. We have different types of energies running through our body, so  Ayurvedic therapy focuses on finding the perfect type of massage depending on the characteristics of our body structure. For example the type of skin, the sensitivity …

How is Ayurveda massage carried out?

As we have already said, Ayurvedic massage must be personalized according to the characteristics of the person receiving it to achieve maximum satisfaction. Also, the benefits between the body and the mind are optimal. But how do we discover which type of massage is the most suitable for each person?

The first step to discovering it would be to analyze various aspects related to skin type,  metabolism, sleep, or digestion,  among others. This analysis will be carried out by the therapist in charge of the session, through a short conversation with whoever will receive it.

Thanks to this analysis, we will be able to discover which doshas predominate in each body, or which are necessary to balance. There are 3 types of doshas: vata, pitta, and  Kapha,  and depending on which one it belongs to, the therapist will use a  different type of oil, pressure, and intensity.

Ayurveda massage

The duration of the massage ranges from 45 – 60 minutes.  It is recommended to have relaxing music in the background and diffusers with pleasant essences. Thus, great evasion is achieved.

The benefits of Ayurveda massage

The benefits of opting for  Ayurvedic therapy are endless for both the mind and body. But do you want to discover the most important ones to improve your day today? So keep reading!

1. Reduces anxiety

The main reasons that cause anxiety are work stress along with our frenetic pace of life. This anxiety can cause significant imbalances in our body and mind, Ayurveda massage is a way to rebalance it.

For these cases, Ayurveda recommends, among others, establishing fixed hours and opting for a  diet in which foods such as soups and stews predominate, avoiding caffeine and alcohol.

As for the most recommended oils to achieve these purposes, those of sesame or sesame stand out. They are the most recommended to relax the mind and combat muscle pain.

2. It improves the immune system

Our immune system plays a very important role in our lives. It affects our mood and health. In fact, problems with the digestive system are the main culprits in the weakening of our immune system.

3. Improve immune systems

Incorporating Ayurvedic massages into our routine can help strengthen our immune systems. Hot oils are usually used for this process.  These can be applied to the stomach, to alleviate digestive problems, or to the forehead, among others, to calm headaches and insomnia.

4. Eliminate toxins

Ayurveda massage is ideal if what you are looking for is detoxification of the body and the skin. On the one hand, the use of essential oils nourishes and detoxifies the skin, improving its appearance and texture. It can be an excellent beauty treatment!

In addition, it helps the elimination of toxins, because during the massage the lymphatic system works, helping to accelerate its circulation.

5. Increase flexibility

Finally, Ayurveda massages can increase flexibility, while muscles will be much more relaxed and revitalized after each session. In addition, it can also improve joint mobility

Contraindications of Ayurveda massage

As we have seen, the benefits of Ayurvedic therapy are multiple and very beneficial. But it is advisable to inform yourself in advance to enjoy it in the best possible way.

  • If you suffer from any of the following diseases or find yourself in any of these situations, it is very important to consult with the therapist before performing an Ayurvedic session.
  • It is not recommended to perform an Ayurvedic massage if you have a  fever, you have a  contagious disease, you have thrombosis, or in the case of women, it is in the first months of gestation.
  • It is also not recommended if you suffer some type of skin injury. Because massaging the area could make it worse. In addition, the therapist must be informed of any specific medication being consumed, such as antidepressants.

As we have already seen,  the benefits of an Ayurveda massage far outweighs the contraindications. So, do not hesitate to put yourself in the hands of a specialist if you want to enjoy this centuries-old medicine, you will enjoy it!

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